Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"God, husband, and an unbelievably wonderful miracle inside of me"

Yes first off I know its been a while since I updated and I am sincerely sorry for that.  Now onto the important stuff, the updates.  
This past weekend a friend gave me some books on pregnancy and one book called "When the Belly Button Pops the baby's done" is my favorite right now.  The author shares humorous stories about each month of pregnancy and what to expect in the real world.  Right now I am in month four and the changes that are going to happen in this next month are plenty.  As I took my week 13 belly picture tonight and compared it to the 10 week belly picture I took I was taken back on much bigger I looked! Then I was reminded of what I had read in the book this afternoon.  I will just quote a section of the book here so you get the same information that I did. 

"Your most treasured relationships-with God, with your husband, and with this unbelievably wonderful miracle growing inside of you-should be your focus.  Honestly, living as we do in our looks-obsessed world, this nine-month opportunity to take a breather from playing "mirror, mirror on the wall" can be down right refreshing.  In this season of weight gain, blotches and bleeding gums, you can grow by leaps and bounds as a person! Your character can become more solid! Your wisdom can deepen! Your appreciation for the infinite and profound can expand!  And besides, when you cradle that amazing baby in your arms for the first time, all the varicose veins in the world won't matte one bit."  Lorilee Craker

It doesn't matter how I look when I gain this baby weight, when my face breaks out, when my gums bleed, or when I feel blah, it is all about loving the little one inside of me, loving God, and my husband! 

Today marks 13 weeks into the pregnancy and I can't wait till I start feeling relief on the sickness.  I have been having more then just morning sickness (wont share details) but the doctor says all is normal and will check back with me next week. We have an appointment next week on our 14 week mark and can't wait to hear the heart beat and possibly see our baby again. We have been tossing around name ideas back and forth but only have lists of names right now. I am really hoping that we can fit in another appointment before thanksgiving so that we can find out the gender of the baby then. :-) As far as how I have been feeling it has been more and more throwing up during the day and mornings now and its not to much fun especially when it happens at restaurants or when your out and about.  I have not been throwing to much of a pitty party when sick (might get a different answer if you ask Andrew) but I try to remember that it is good that I'm sick it means the hormones are working and this baby is growing! I can't wait to be able to feel this baby moving and growing! :-)

10 weeks

13 weeks

In the past few weeks we have had Andrew's family come visit us, my family come visit, and we have gone home for a visit! Whew I get tired just telling you all that.  It has been a busy past few weeks but also a relaxing past few weeks if that makes sense at all haha. 

Andrew has been busy working some over time, and this week doing some training for a new certification.  He has been working so hard and I am so proud of him for all that he does for this little family :-)  We have been doing great in Virginia and have finally been seeing a little bit of cooler weather.  We are so excited for the leaves to start changing down here like they have in NY.  

My parents came down a few weekends ago to visit and brought a mini visitor with them! :-)

While we were home this past weekend we were able to cheer Bethany on at a swim meet! 

Celebrate our niece Dakota's 4th Birthday at a horse farm! 
Pick apples and pumpkins with my family! 

Enjoying the fall colors

Carved pumpkins with my family!