Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So much to write about...

I decided that it has been too long since my last blog update (1 month) and that this morning was the perfect morning to update.  As I went to type in a title of what I wanted to write about I realized there is so much to write about, so much to be thankful for, so much that we have learned that I couldn't just choose one.  So if you are a trooper and want to read all of this go you! if not I totally understand!
I guess I'll start from my last blog post.  The beginning of february we headed to New York to spend a short weekend with family.  Our families were planning a baby shower so I guess that was a good reason to go up! :-)  Have you ever felt so blessed that you can't even put into words how grateful you are?  This is how I felt after the baby shower.  The weather was not the greatest that day but there were still so many family and friends that came out to show their love and support which was enough for me but on top of that they brought so many gifts for our little boy! This baby boy isn't even born yet and he is the most blessed child in the world! A close friend of ours (Chrissy Morgan) was very willing to capture special moments on camera at the baby shower and even before the shower her and I had a maternity photo shoot and those are pictures I will cherish forever.  Thank you so much Chrissy.

                                              Here are just a few pictures from the baby shower :-)

After the weekend was over and the Packers won the superbowl we headed back to northern virginia.  The next week was busy packing! Many of you may say packing?  Didn't you just move six months ago?  Yes we did just move six months ago and only had a six month lease at our old apartment and with a baby on the way we were running out of space.  We found a wonderful single family home only about 5 minutes away from our old apartment and it has so much more space then the last place did! We are so grateful that God showed us this place and made it available to us.  The next weekend my parents (aka Reed moving company) drove down to help us move.  We were able to take everything to the new house in only 2 trips! It went much smoother then we had anticipated and that was truly from God.  I am so blessed to have parents that love me! They have been there every moment we have needed them and were more than willing to come help us move even with out being asked! My mom even had had surgery 2 weeks prior but was still willing to come do what she was able to, amazing woman!

The next week consisted of unpacking and getting things put away as much as possible because that thursday through sunday two of Andrew's sisters and niece and nephew came down for a visit.  We showed them National Harbor, went to Fredericksburg, and did A LOT of shopping!  It was really nice to be able to just hang out with them and show them our some what every day life.

Since they left we have had a week of relaxation and re cooperating from our busy month of February.  I feel like every weekend in February was filled with something and at the beginning of the month I was some what dreading being so busy but not that I look back on it I am so thankful for everything that we got to do! We are so blessed! Have I said that enough?  We are so blessed! God has given us everything we could possibly need and more and we take it for granted all the time! Step back and count your blessings! WE ARE SO BLESSED!  As I look ahead to march (which as of last week was blank and had nothing going on but now is filling up fast) I need to remember that no matter how busy we might get or how many things I need to do to prepare for this little one we are so blessed to be able to do all of these things and live life the way we do.  I know this post has been long enough already so I am going to end it here soon but I want you to all know I have a few more blog posts I want to put up in the next week so keep checking back for updates.  Now that your all updated on what has been going on in our lives now I can share about other things! :-) Remember as you go about your day today to step back and count your blessings, realized how blessed we all are.

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