Here are some updated baby bump photos! Baby Boy Francis is moving around lots and we are able to watch him squirm on the outside of my belly which is so much fun!
24 weeks and 4 days
26 weeks and 2 days
This past week or 2 Andrew and I have been trying to make a decision on whether we should get a bigger apartment or just stick it out with the one we have. There were so many moments (and still are) in our search where we would pick up the phone and call our dads and moms to see what their advice was. We would share with them our frustrations of things going wrong in our current apartment and we would share with them the excitement we have about possibly moving. Every time something big happens in our lives or we are not sure about something we (Andrew and I) tend to call on our parents for advice and help. As we keep getting closer and closer to the due date of our baby boy I think about how this baby boy is going to be so dependent on us and look to us to solve his problems and give him advice through out his whole entire life. I can't wait until I hear our son calling out for his Daddy's help. Two weeks ago in church we discussed prayer. I was really hit by the thought of God being our Father. We should be so close to our Father in Heaven that our relationship is just like our relationship with our Earthly Father except God will always pick up the phone when we need Him. Having the type of relationship with God as we do with our Dad's is so important. So many times we make prayer such a big deal (which it should be) and we put all these fancy words in our prayers. Why don't we come to God just like we come to our dads. Why isn't God the first one we call on when we have a decision to make, something exciting happening, or something bad happening? Sometimes God is the first one we call on but so many times we turn to calling our parents, our spouse, or our best friend. When we pray it strengthens our relationship with our Father and that is the most important thing in our life. Talking to God through out the day shouldn't be only when we have a tragedy happening but should be all the time. Talk to him while you wash the dishes, go for a walk, make the bed, or are in the shower. God doesn't care we are or what we say all He cares about is that were spending time with Him. When a person prays they become awake to the fact that we cannot live daily life without our Father. Isn't it amazing that we have a constant phone line totally open for us to talk to God, and we don't even have to pay a cell phone bill every month or worry if we have enough minutes! Why don't we use it more often?! I have been challenged to go through my daily life in prayer. Every moment of the day we need to be open to telling God everything, whether it be that were frusturated because dinner doesn't taste good or because were thankful for a friend who sent a note in the mail. God doesn't care what silly things we tell Him all He cares about is that relationship with us! Prayer isn't an obligation but an invitation to an awesome relationship with God!
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